We begin a series of "Messages From the New Testament" in the month of November.
Pastor Linville will start the series on November 1st with the sermon: "Lazarus, Come Out!" It is based on John 11:32-44. Jesus was very close to the family of Lazarus and his two sisters, Martha and Mary. The sisters send word to Jesus that Lazarus in about to die. Jesus doesn't drop everything, but keeps on doing his ministry. By the time he arrives, Lazarus has been dead 4 days. Jesus calls him from the tomb and he, who was very dead, walks out very alives.
Do you suppose there is a message in this for us today? Sunday is "All Saints' Day" and we remember those believers who have gone before us. It also declares our belief in life after death.
We will observe Holy Communion since it is the first Sunday of the month.
Why not invite someone to attend with you.