Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

We begin a series of "Messages From the New Testament" in the month of November.

Pastor Linville will start the series on November 1st with the sermon: "Lazarus, Come Out!" It is based on John 11:32-44. Jesus was very close to the family of Lazarus and his two sisters, Martha and Mary. The sisters send word to Jesus that Lazarus in about to die. Jesus doesn't drop everything, but keeps on doing his ministry. By the time he arrives, Lazarus has been dead 4 days. Jesus calls him from the tomb and he, who was very dead, walks out very alives.

Do you suppose there is a message in this for us today? Sunday is "All Saints' Day" and we remember those believers who have gone before us. It also declares our belief in life after death.

We will observe Holy Communion since it is the first Sunday of the month.

Why not invite someone to attend with you.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Worship For October 25, 2009

We will conclude the series from the book of Job.
"Job's Life Is Restored" is the title which goes with Job 42:1-6, 10-17. Pastor Larry will conclude the series with this sermon. A key verse says: "I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you." v. 5.

Job went to a deeper level in his understanding of God. What can we do to move to a deeper level of understanding?

Bring a friend with you. It could be that this sermon is exactly what he or she needs to hear. If you don't invite that person they might miss a high point in their week.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sermon for October 18

We continue looking at Job this month.
Job is facing total collapse in his family and possessions and yet he doesn't water down his beliefs. On Sunday, Pastor Arlin will preach: "Job Maintains His Integrity." He will base his sermon on Job 27:1-6.

Is there anything more important in our lives than to be persons of integrity? Pastor Arlin will help us look at integrity and guide us in looking to God to main our integrity.

Bring a friend with you -- you will both be blessed.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Looking at Job on October 11

Did you every get accused of something you didn't do?
Do you know how difficult it is to prove your innocence?
That's what Job was facing. He was experiencing illness and the loss of property and family and the best his friends could do was to try to get him to admit he was sinning. With friends like that......

We will look at Job 23:1-9, 16-17 this Sunday. Pastor Larry will preach on the subject, "Job Complains to God."

This will be a busy day because we will host charge conference with our guests being: Smithville, Arley and Holt. We will conduct the business of the church and will see a DVD of an outstanding sermon our Bishop preached at Annual Conference.

Come and join us.