Monday, January 25, 2010

Worship at Paradise on January 31, 2010

Our series on questions about our beliefs continues this week.

This week Pastor Larry will try to answer the question, "Why do we need the church?"

You may wish to prepare yourself by reading Acts 11:20-26.

The church seems to be criticized from all sides so why do we need it?

Did God really intend for us to gather in churches?

How does the church help you?

Bring your friends and we will explore this subject together.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sermon for January 24, 2010

Our series on questions about the basics of the church continue this week.

Pastor Arlin will answer the question, "Why do we need prayer?"

He will base the sermon on Luke 6:12-13 and James 5:13-16.

It will help if you read the scriptures before attending services.

Prayer is an important area for us to understand.

Bring your friends and prepare to draw closer to God.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Worship at Paradise, January 17, 2010

Our series on questions about the faith continue this week.

Pastor Arlin will answer the question, "Why do we need the Holy Spirit."

You may read John 16:13-16 as background.

In January, you are invited to bring canned meats for the food pantry.

Bring and friend and join us.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Services for January 10, 2010

We are looking at 7 questions about our faith at the beginning of the year.

Last Sunday, Pastor Arlin spoke to the question, "Why do we need God?"

This week Pastor Larry will speak to the question, "Why do we need Jesus?"

We encourge you to read the first chapter of Colossians.

Because we are dealing with the basics, this is a good time to invite others to learn some of the most frequently asked questions.

Let's pray that the weather warms up before Sunday.