Monday, June 28, 2010

July 4th at Paradise

Sunday we celebrate the birthday of our nation with all our freedoms.

One important freedom is the freedom of religion. So many people complain about losing our religious freedoms and I KNOW they will want to exercise that freedom on Sunday morning.

Sermon: "Sick Man Wants Second Opinion."

Scripture: 1 Kings 5:1-14.

Bring your friends and join us to celebrate our nation's birthday. You can picnic and watch firewords later in the day.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sermon for June 20, 2010

Just noticed I handn't put anything on the blog about the service tomorrow at Paradise.
Sure been busy.
Well, the sermon's almost ready.
"Sounds of Silence." 1 Kings 19:1-15a.
Elijah is upset because he seems to be getting it from all sides.
He goes to the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments and he waits though a storm, an earthquake, fire, etc. in order to get a message from God.
God wasn't in all these things.
God was in the "sound of sheer silence."

Tomorrow, I hope to lead us in understanding this silence for our lives.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Our series from the Old Testament Prophets continues on Sunday with Pastor Arlin preaching on the subject: "When Desire Goes Bad." Read 1 Kings 21:1-21.

This should be an interesting experience for the summer to reach back to the prophets and see how timely their messages are for today.

You would enjoy coming for the Sunday School hour for our new approach with a DVD followed by discussion.

Bring your friends and join us this week.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Series for Summer at Paradise

We will be looking at the messages from the Old Testament prophets during the summer months. This Sunday, Pastor Arlin will start us off with a sermon: "A Handful of Flour." Read 1 Kings 17:8-24 to understand the story before you arrive on Sunday.

The stories of the prophets are exciting stories and they each have an important message for our lives today.

Summertime challenges our attendance because of family activities and vacations so you need to make a special effort to be there every Sunday you can. Larger crowds add to our excitement. Summer is also a good time to bring visitors.