Thursday, July 29, 2010

Worship for August 1, 2010

Our series on the Prophets continues this week.
Pastor Arlin will be preaching on the topic: "Breaking the Father's Heart."
Hosea 11:1-11.
The prophet represents how disappointed God is with his son (the nation Israel).

Don't forget our DVD study during the Sunday School hour. Many times it helps set the stage for the sermon.

Summer attendance suffers because people travel so be sure and be there and bring a friend.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Big Week at Paradise

This coming week will be a big one at Paradise.

Pastor Larry will preach a sermon about how we measure up to God. Sermon is from Amos 7:7-17 and is titled "Amos and the Plumb Line."

Following worship we will have a pot luck dinner.

That will be followed by the movie "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor coat." This sets us up for the VBS which is about Joseph from Prison to Prince.

at 4 pm we will begin our first night of VBS.

VBS continues Monday and Tuesday nights.