Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

We will finish our series on the Prophets on Sunday.
Pastor Arlin's sermon is: "What Are Your Charges?" Jeremiah 2:4-13.
The next 12 weeks will be on the Epistles of Paul.

School has started and summer activies are nearing an end. We can begin to see the crowds grow back to the pre-summer level. If you've missed, it is time to get back in the swing. If you think of someone who has been missing, it's a good time to invite them to return to worship.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our second week with the Prophet Isaiah will look at Isaiah 5:1-7.
Pastor Arlin's sermon will be: "Song of the Vineyard."
Let's see what God has to say this week through the propet Isaiah.
People in his day didn't like the message -- how do we respond?

Don't forget our Ice Cream Social AUGUST 22 - 4 to 6 p.m.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Worship for August 8, 2010

We move to Isaiah for a couple of weeks in our summer look at "Lessons from the Prophets."

On Sunday, Pastor Larry will preach: "Isaiah's Review of Religion." Isaiah 1:1,10-20.

Isaiah speaks for God's discontent about the people going through the motion of worship while they did not treat others justly. This should be a very timely service.

at 10 am is our fellowship time at Sunday School and then we will follow with worship at 11. Bring your friends and come share a great day in God's house.