Monday, December 27, 2010

January 2, 2011

If you plan to have a perfect attendance in worship this week you will have to be in worship this week. That's not so bad. We will have a great time. Pastor Larry's sermon will be: "Real Men of Genius." Perhaps you've heard those ads but this will be a little different as we look at the men of genius in Matthew 2:1-12.

The celebration of the Epiphany begins with the arrival of the magi.

Come and join us.

Monday, December 13, 2010

March To the Manger on Sunday

4th Sunday in Advent.

We're almost there.

Pastor Arlin will preach, "A Voice from Heaven." Matthew 1:18-25.

We will observe our "March to the Manger."

Last year it was complicated by the Christmas Eve storm but this year it will be on Sunday.

We hope you have prayed about the amount you will include in your gift for the "babe in the manger."

Put it in a white envelope or wrap it with white. White symbolizes our victory in Christ and the purity of Christ.

Tie with a red ribbon or put a red bow on it. Red is to remind us that Jesus paid the price of His life as the greatest gift.

This is an event you must attend. It will bring you closer to Christ than you have ever been.

Friday, December 10, 2010

December 12, 2010

The third Sunday in Advent is the "Joy" Sunday.
We've been getting prepared and now we need words of hope.
Sermon: "The Voice of the Impatient Messenger."
Scripture: Matthew 11:2-11.

Pastor Larry will lead us to examine why it is at this time in Advent we can get discouraged and need a word of hope.

Our fellowship hour is at 10 am with Worship following at 11.
Bring your friends and come join us.