Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mother's Day at Paradise

Sorry I'm slow in getting the blog done. My computer went down twice but it's working fine---today!

May 10th is Mother's Day and Paradise UMC is ready. Pastor Arlin continues our series on Christian Maintenance with the sermon: "Maintaining the Spirit of Love." 1 John 4:7-21. He will be tying this topic with a mother's love and will look at Jesus' mother as an example. If your mother is living, why not bring her to church with you? If she lives away from here, she would be proud of you for being in church. If you mother, like mine, is deceased; honor her by being in worship to thank God for her.

The Taco fellowship last Friday was super, wasn't it? We have such good fellowship and we seem to always have visitors. This an important ministry of the church.

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