Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Worship at Paradise on July 5, 2009

Jesus was always successful, right?
Where would he be unsuccessful?
In his home town.
Why did his home town reject him? What did he do about it? Do we reject him?
These are some of the questions Pastor Larry will examine on Sunday with the sermon: "When Jesus Couldn't Succeed." Read Mark 6:1-13.

Summer is a time when a lot of people go places and have vacations. This week we will have the celebration of our Nations' birthday on Saturday. Perhaps you will have people visiting at your house. Why not bring them with you? Who else do you know that want to come and thank God for our freedom?

See you there!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sunday June 28, 2009

Have a hymn you wish we would sing? Request it this Sunday.
Like to sing and sing and sing? Don't miss this Sunday.
Do to popular demand we will have a sing-a-long this week.
This should be a good time to catch up on your music need.
Please bring a friend and your voice.

See you there!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Worship for June 21, 2009

Do you ever feel like your life is in turmoil?

Do you feel like you are in the middle of a storm?

Do you feel out of control?

The disciples were in a boat when a big storm arose. Jesus was sleeping through it. Can you imagine how upset they were that he would sleep when they were about to be destroyed?

What does this mean for us today?

"When the Storms of Life Are Raging." is the title of Pastor Larry's sermon this week. It's also a hymn which he will incorporate into the service. Prepare yourself by reading Mark 4:35-41.

It's Father's Day and you know your dad would be proud if he make the effort to be in worship.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Worship for June 14, 2009

Summer is near (unofficially we are already in summer). Farming is at a high pitch. People are going to family outings and ball games. Many options are available for us on Sundays. Pastor Arlin will preach on the subject "Choices We Make." You may wish to read Joshua 24:1-5, 13-15 to prepare for the sermon.

We will have the baptism of a couple of Pastor Arlin's grandchildren. Won't that be exciting!!!!

We hope we can repeat the great attendance from last Sunday and have a good crowd again this week. Of the many choices you make this we, we hope attending worship is one of them. We hope that inviting a friend or neighbor will be another.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Preparing for VBS

Camp E.D.G.E. (Experience & Discover God Everywhere) Vacation Bible School
We will be transforming our church into a different kind of “Paradise”~ a wilderness camp! In order to do this, we need to borrow some of your camping and nature supplies!

Don’t worry about signing up, just send in AS MANY AS YOU CAN!

Please label what you bring so it can be returned to you!
But we’ll have masking tape and markers, just in case!

Here’s what we’re looking for…

*Artificial Christmas trees- We need LOTS!
*Solid Bed Sheets- (any size)- We need LOTS! COLORS- white, lt. Blue, dark blue, black
Fake flowers or greenery
Logs, driftwood, stumps
Stuffed forest animals
Picnic benches
River rocks (soccer ball size)

Sleeping bags, ropes, camping chairs, mountain bikes, helmets, backpacks, skateboards, cooking gear, ski’s, ski poles, lanterns and flashlights, inflatable rafts, canteens, compasses, hiking boots, archery tools, kayaks and paddles, oars, life vests, fishing vests, poles, tackle boxes, beach towels

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Worship for June 7, 2009

School is out.
Farm work is progressing.
We've received a wonderful confirmation class into membership.
Gardens are in.
Summer is on the way.
Pastor Arlin will help us move into this new time in our life with his sermon: "New Birth." He is using the text John 3:1-17. We will also celebrate holy Communion.

Our Annual Conference (the gathering of representatives from each United Methodist Church in the state) begins on Friday morning and will conclude on Monday.

Summer is a special time in the church. Because of vacations and other summer activities we have persons who will not be able to attend worship. That makes it more important for those of us to be present to give a good group feeling. It's a good time to invite others and tell them to "come as they are." They might not realize we pretty much do that anyway.