Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Worship for June 7, 2009

School is out.
Farm work is progressing.
We've received a wonderful confirmation class into membership.
Gardens are in.
Summer is on the way.
Pastor Arlin will help us move into this new time in our life with his sermon: "New Birth." He is using the text John 3:1-17. We will also celebrate holy Communion.

Our Annual Conference (the gathering of representatives from each United Methodist Church in the state) begins on Friday morning and will conclude on Monday.

Summer is a special time in the church. Because of vacations and other summer activities we have persons who will not be able to attend worship. That makes it more important for those of us to be present to give a good group feeling. It's a good time to invite others and tell them to "come as they are." They might not realize we pretty much do that anyway.

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