Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Who Is Jesus?"

We had a wonderful VBS last week and now we celebrate God's love in worship on July 26th. Pastor Arlin will conclude our month long look at the book of Mark. He will preach from Mark 6:14-16 in a sermon titled "Who Is This Jesus?" If we are to follow Jesus, it makes sense that we need to know who Jesus is.

This is the time of year when a lot of people are on vacations and other family outings so we really need to have YOU attend every time you can. It always helps to have more people at worship. This is also an excellent time to invite friends and neighbors to join you at church.

Be sure and read the scripture and pray for Pastor Arlin as he prepares.

Our mission project for the mont is deodorant. There is also an emergency at the food pantry so we encourage you to bring any food products you can.

"by the grace of Jesus Christ, Paradise United Methodist Church offers a friendly smile, a warm welcome and a spiritual home."

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