Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Starting a series from the book of Proverbs

The next four Sundays will be from the book of Proverbs.
Our series title is :"Wisdom from the Proverbs."
On September 6th Pastor Larry will preach a sermon: "The Generous Are Blessed." It is based on selected verses from the 22nd chapter.

We will also celebrate holy communion since it is the first Sunday of the month. We always welcome all who attend to participate communion with us. We will have a loaf of bread and will tear off a piece of the bread and dip it in the cup of juice. (This is called "intinction".)

With the summer over we are gearing up for the months ahead. We will have a great experiment with our Sunday School hour. We will kick that off on September 13th. Keep watching for more information.

It has been good to see visitors at worship as well as persons returning from their busy lives. We hope to see you there this week.

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