Monday, March 8, 2010

Worship for March 14, 2010

4th Sunday in Lent.
Sermon: "Being Reconciled to Christ." 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

We hear a lot in the news today about "reconciliation." That is a political word being thrown around. 2,000 years ago the Apostle Paul talked about "being reconciled to Christ."

Reconciliation in the biblical sense is "the resumption of a healthy relationship." Our world is full of unhealthy relationships. Our own lives also have unhealthy relationships. Paul gives us some insight on the "resumption". We will also look at the parable of the Prodigal Son which deals with reconciliation between the two brothers and the father.

Sound like a message you could profit by hearing? Probably.
How about inviting a friend to come to worship with you -- it would probably be helpful to them as well.

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