Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sunday May 2, 2010

How about your Sunday?

Why not join us at Paradise UMC?

at 10 am we will start our new adult class taught by the pastors. We will start with a showing of DVD and will follow with a discussion of it. This Sunday it is "Rain." The teaser says: "Things don't always go the way we want to to, or the way we think they will. Sometimes we don't even see it coming." Join us as we kick off the series which will last all summer.

at 11 am Pastor Larry will lead us in a sermon: "Jesus Gives A New Commandment." The scriptrue is John 13:31-35. Jesus commands us to "love on another" as he has loved us. We will observe Holy Communion and will have a beautiful beginning to the month of May.

Bring you friends and join us.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Worship for April 18, 2010

We are in our series, "Lessons from Jesus." This series will be during the season of Easter and will continue up through May. In June we will start a series of sermons from the Old Testament Prophets.

Pastor Arlin will be preaching on the topic: "Jesus Calls Fishermen to be Shepherds." The text is: John 21:1-19. Earlier we saw Jesus call fishermen to "fish for people." Now, after his resurrection he calls the fishermen to "feed my sheep."

We had a good crowd last Sunday. The Sunday after Easter is usually a let down in attendance but we held up well. We received to new members: Josey Linville transferred her membership from Turney UMC and Robin Jackson ask to move her membership from St. Teresa Catholic Church to Paradise.

There is a lot of excitement at Paradise so it's a good time to bring someone with you to our worship.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jesus Deals With Doubt - April 11, 2010

Now that Easter is over, the pastors move into a series of sermon from the Gospel of John.

The series title is: "Lessons From Jesus."

April 11th, Pastor Larry will start the series with the story of Thomas who missed Jesus' appearance to the disciples. He was there the next week. John is the only Gospel writer who portrays Thomas as a "doubter." Why was this important to John. Why wasn't it important to the other Gospel writers?

Read the story in John 20:19-31. Pray about it. Bring someone to worship with you.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Tomorrow is the BIG DAY ---EASTER!

At Paradise we are changing our schedule a bit.

at 9 am we will have a pancake breakfast.

at 10 am is the worship service.

Pastor Arlin will preach on the topic, "Where Is Jesus?"

Pastor Larry will be liturgist and will also sing, "Rise Again."

Following worship, we believe there will be some lost Easter Eggs for the children to find.

Easter is the biggest day in the Christian Church.

We celebrate Jesus' victory over death with the promise for eternal life.

Bring family and friends and be a part of the celebration.