Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Worship for April 18, 2010

We are in our series, "Lessons from Jesus." This series will be during the season of Easter and will continue up through May. In June we will start a series of sermons from the Old Testament Prophets.

Pastor Arlin will be preaching on the topic: "Jesus Calls Fishermen to be Shepherds." The text is: John 21:1-19. Earlier we saw Jesus call fishermen to "fish for people." Now, after his resurrection he calls the fishermen to "feed my sheep."

We had a good crowd last Sunday. The Sunday after Easter is usually a let down in attendance but we held up well. We received to new members: Josey Linville transferred her membership from Turney UMC and Robin Jackson ask to move her membership from St. Teresa Catholic Church to Paradise.

There is a lot of excitement at Paradise so it's a good time to bring someone with you to our worship.

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