Sunday, May 9, 2010

Worship for May 16, 2010

We are in the middle of a series of sermon of "Lessons From Jesus" based on the Gospel of John.

On May 16th, Pastor Larry will preach on the subject, "Jesus Prays to God." It is based on John 17:20-26. You may want to read the entire 17th chapter. Jesus prays for himself and then for the disciples and finally for those who will follow -- this includes us.

He pray that "they may all be one." v. 21. Unity is such an important element in the work of the church. It is important for the church to do its work of witnessing to the world.

During the Sunday School hour (at 10 am) Pastor Larry will lead the Sunday School class based on the DVD from Rob Bell. The title is "Kickball." We are trying these experimental classes during the summer months, so come out and join us.

See you Sunday. Bring a friend and join us.

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