Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Sermon Series

The next 7 sermons at Paradise will be questions about the Christian faith. You might say it is: FAQ About the Faith. We are departing the lectionary for these 7 weeks to preach some sermons on the basics. If you have friends who say they would like to understand some of the foundations of our faith, be sure to tell them about it.

On January 3rd, Pastor Arlin will answer the question: "Why Do We Need God?" You might wish to read Genesis 1:26-28 and Revelation 21:1-4 to prepare.

Those who were not present on Sunday are invited to bring your "March to the Manger" gifts. The manger is still there for you to bring your gift forward after the sermon. Several persons last Sunday were quite moved by the service and agreed that "you have to experience it".

Start your new year by being in worship.

Let's begin again in twenty-ten.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009

We were so disappointed that bad weather cancelled our Christmas Eve Service. We hope all who wanted a "White Christmas" enjoyed it even though it kept thousands of persons in the KC metro from attending services. We pray hard that this will all get cleared up before Sunday.

Pastor Larry will be preaching a sermon for the first Sunday after Christmas. The gospel lesson for that Sunday is Luke 2:41-52. This is the passage in which Jesus, at the age of 12, goes with his parents to the Temple and his parents leave without him and have to come back to search for him. The sermon title is: "Where Is Jesus?"

We didn't get to do our "March to the Manger" on Christmas Eve, but we will conclude the service on Sunday by bringing our gifts for Jesus to the manger at the front of the church.

If you have family visiting, be sure to bring them to church with you and if you have friends who might wish to celebrate the season, be sure to invite them.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Opps, thought this had been updated but the first part of the week has been chaos.

Christmas Eve candlelight service is scheduled for 7 pm tonight.

Weatherman tries to threaten us with bad weather.

Forecasts change each hour.

We have plans for the "March To The Manger" for the first time.

We really need to do it.

Last year the Christmas Eve service was our largest attendance of the entire year.

Hopefully, we'll see you at 7 pm tonight.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Worship on December 20, 2009

The last Sunday in Advent.

R U ready for Christmas? Getting close?

Pastor Arlin will lead us in this last Sunday with a sermon: "Mary and Elizabeth Prepare the Way." Be sure to read Luke 1:39-45 before you arrive.

Our Christmas Program on Dec. 20th was so wonderful. It helped us prepare.

The children and adults worked hard to have such a delightful program.

Think of persons who do not have a church and invite them this week. 83% of them will say yes.

Also give an invitation for our wonderful Christmas Eve Service.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas Program on December 13th

"The Story of the Christmas Tree" is the format for our special Christmas program at Paradise this coming Sunday. We will have reading about the symbols we place on the tree and there will be a variety of musical selections. Participants will be all ages. This should be one of the highlights of your preparation for Christmas.

Join us this week and bring friends with you. They will thank you.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Opportunities to Invite

There has been a chain of comments by persons on Facebook which has been daring you to write that you believe in Jesus. It's OK but a little shallow. Let's suggest something better:

If you believe in Jesus, invite others to church during the Advent and Christmas activities. That will actually do some good. Here are several oppportunities to invite friends to Paradise:

1) Friday, December 4 at 5:30 pm -- We will have a great fellowship time with a spaghetti supper. The 6th grade choir from Smithville school will be there to present a musical program.

Of course we invite people to make a contribution for the meal (which goes into projects of the church) but invite someone and tell them you'll contribute for their meal.

2) Sunday, December 13. We will have a fellowship time during the 10 am hour and will have our special Christmas program during the worship hour. This year's program will be about the Christmas tree and will include readings and special music. Your guests will be blessed.

3) Christmas Eve. We will have a very special candlelight service at 7 pm. The service will be based on the "gifts" of Christmas and will conclude with our "March to the Manger." Be sure to tell those you invite that they are not expected to "give" to our church but they are welcome to walk with us to the manger and "symbolically" give a gift to him or make a gift to their local church. We don't want them to feel left out or taken advantage of.

Christmas is coming!

Second Sunday in Advent

We are preparing for the coming of Jesus for another Christmas. With company coming, we need to get ready. Pastor Arlin will lead us this week with the sermon:"Preparing the Way for Jesus." He will base the sermon on Luke 3:1-6.

One of the things that helps us get spiritually ready for Christmas is to be in worship each Sunday. Why not do your friends a favor and bring them with you.