Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Sermon Series

The next 7 sermons at Paradise will be questions about the Christian faith. You might say it is: FAQ About the Faith. We are departing the lectionary for these 7 weeks to preach some sermons on the basics. If you have friends who say they would like to understand some of the foundations of our faith, be sure to tell them about it.

On January 3rd, Pastor Arlin will answer the question: "Why Do We Need God?" You might wish to read Genesis 1:26-28 and Revelation 21:1-4 to prepare.

Those who were not present on Sunday are invited to bring your "March to the Manger" gifts. The manger is still there for you to bring your gift forward after the sermon. Several persons last Sunday were quite moved by the service and agreed that "you have to experience it".

Start your new year by being in worship.

Let's begin again in twenty-ten.

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