Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Opportunities to Invite

There has been a chain of comments by persons on Facebook which has been daring you to write that you believe in Jesus. It's OK but a little shallow. Let's suggest something better:

If you believe in Jesus, invite others to church during the Advent and Christmas activities. That will actually do some good. Here are several oppportunities to invite friends to Paradise:

1) Friday, December 4 at 5:30 pm -- We will have a great fellowship time with a spaghetti supper. The 6th grade choir from Smithville school will be there to present a musical program.

Of course we invite people to make a contribution for the meal (which goes into projects of the church) but invite someone and tell them you'll contribute for their meal.

2) Sunday, December 13. We will have a fellowship time during the 10 am hour and will have our special Christmas program during the worship hour. This year's program will be about the Christmas tree and will include readings and special music. Your guests will be blessed.

3) Christmas Eve. We will have a very special candlelight service at 7 pm. The service will be based on the "gifts" of Christmas and will conclude with our "March to the Manger." Be sure to tell those you invite that they are not expected to "give" to our church but they are welcome to walk with us to the manger and "symbolically" give a gift to him or make a gift to their local church. We don't want them to feel left out or taken advantage of.

Christmas is coming!

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