Monday, February 9, 2009

A New Week

We had a great time at worship yesterday. The crowd was good, singing was good, special music was good. Now we're ready to do it again.

Feb. 15th we will concentrate on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Sermon title is: "Disciples in Training." Paul uses sports images to talk about how we must discipline ourselves like athletes if we are to be the kind of followers Jesus can use. We hope to have a video clip from the movie: "Facing The Giants." This clip shows how a football player has to take control of his body. We need the same effort to strengthen our spirit.

Even though the Super Bowl is over and the Pro Bowl is over, we will have one more week of football at Paradise. Look around and see who you can invite to join us.

1 comment:

TRoe said...

The website has been updated with the newsletter for Feb and current pod casts - the special music from Sunday is on podcast as well.