Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thoughts from Pastor Larry

You saw him give the benediction at the inaugeration. He was co-founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Confererence. He is a United Methodist minister. He is 87 years old. His name is Dr. Joseph E. Lowery and he was at Saint Paul School of Theology on Tuesday.

I sat there in awe to be in the presence of a man of God who put his life on the line back in those early days of the civil rights movement. He shared his experiences with the audience in such a positive way. His sense of humor prevailed. He said that on the day of his benediction in Washington D.C. it was a shame that there were 1 to 2 million people there and nobody took an offering!

I am so thankful I was able to listen to this man for nearly 45 minutes (which seemed like 15). I could have skipped going. I had all kinds of reasons to do something else. By going, I was filled with such great inspiration. This is such a lesson to me: when we have a chance to be with God and our sisters and brother in a worship service -- we need to be there. We never know when there will be a special outpouring of God's spirit.

1 comment:

TRoe said...

Larry- I am so glad that you got to hear Dr. Lowery. It sounds like a great outpouring!