Thursday, September 25, 2008

Apple Pickin'

The Lincolns invited the WOW Youth (Walking on Water Youth) group to come over and pick apples. The youth could take some home to their families or friends who would enjoy them. The rest will be taken to Harvester's.
We had seven pickers who picked over 700 apples off one tree! We picked about a third of a tub off another tree. Just think- over 700 apples will be going to Harvester's - (part of the "Plant a Row for the Hungry" program).
Thanks be to God for the bountiful harvest, the helping hands of the pickers and many blessings to those who will receive the apples. Thanks to the Lincolns and their generosity!
We had a great time and the sunset was beautiful! Thanks for having us!!

1 comment:

TRoe said...

Just an update on the apples- Harvester's weighed them- 320 pounds of apples!
Thank you Lincolns and WoW Youth pickers!