Tuesday, September 23, 2008

BBQ REPORT from Marty

I just want to take a moment to extend a great big THANK YOU! for everyone that came to the Friday night BBQ Fellowship. A special thanks to all that contributed in so many ways that made the volunteer trip to feed the 12 or so families at the Ronald McDonald House a heartwarming success. Although I thought my brisket would really impress folks, it was actually the "oh so good" Chicken Fred prepared and the "outstanding flavor" pork that Randy provided that stirred the excitement.

Thank you Charlie and John for your time and talent and unselfish gifts (and the best beans I have ever tasted)

Thanks to all your help we were able to give these families a little bright spot in a time that can be pretty tough.

And to all that made this happen when I was tied up with work, I cannot thank you enough, you all are such a blessing to every life you touch, Thank you, Thank you Thank you!

P.S. We're gonna do this again,


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