Monday, December 8, 2008

Here Come the Children!

The Children's Christmas Pageant will be this coming Sunday, December 14th. This will be such a GREAT TREAT! They will perform "Double Take." It is the Christmas story told through Matthew and Luke with mystery, humor and awe.

We have the greatest Children in the world! Remember how they did at VBS? They give us a mixture of talent, innocense and just plain cuteness.

Our attendance the last two weeks have been 60 or more and there's not reason to believe that the attendance this Sunday can't far exceed that. Here's how we do that:
Be sure all relatives are invited.
Invite anyone you know who does not attend Church.
Pray that the weather is great.

Both pastors have encouraged you to prepare yourself during Advent so that you Christmas will be a big blessing. The Pageant gives us a giant step in this direction.

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