Saturday, December 20, 2008

Remembering our Jewish Friends

While we are in the midst of preparing for Christmas, our Jewish brothers and sisters are preparing for Hannukah. I was thinking of a very dear Jewish friend when I wrote the following poem:

Happy Hannukah
By Larry Linville

Happy Hannukah, my friend
my best wishes I send
as this year nears the end
an open hand I extend.
I observe Jesus’ birth
when he was born on this earth
but you, the feast of lights
and those special eight nights.
He likely found so much cheer
with Hannukah each year
and he may have shed a tear
as this story was told with cheer.
Victory of the Maccabees
remembered with the greatest ease
worshipped from his bended knees
as the picture he vividly sees.
You and I, my Jewish friend,
celebrate miracles in the end
and peaceful messages we send
as in love our hearts we blend.

© Copyright 2007 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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