Friday, December 26, 2008

Sermon for Dec. 28, 2008

This coming Sunday pastor Arlin is going to share God's message in a sermon titled: "How Do You See Jesus Today?" Read Luke 2:21-40 and you will have a background to the sermon. This will make you better prepared to receive a message. He will be looking at the response to Jesus by a couple of senior citizens --Simeon and Anna.

(note from pastor Larry: I have seen the sermon and you are going to really be fed!)

Pastor Arlin will lead us from Christmas into the new year. If you recall, the flyer we printed to announce our Christmas events also promoted our sermons for after Christmas. He says:

"(we) have planned our post-Christmas sermons with two things in mind -- to help the non-churched see the importance of becoming faithful worshipers, and to help you who are already faithful grown in your faith and perfect your Christian discipleship."

So now, your pastor's have made preparation and they invite you to join them. Who do you know that needs an invitation to attend services now that Christmas is over? Why not invite them?

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