Thursday, January 22, 2009


During the night on Monday night I started making trips to the bathroom. I was worshipping at the porcelain throne (to put it delicately). As the light of Tuesday approached I was still feeling bad. I laid around all day sipping on diet 7-Up. Because of this I was exposed to so much of the Innauguration. The only parts of it I missed was when I was in the bathroom or asleep.

There were so many historic things. We have our first black (mixed race) president. It was the largest crowd for such an event. Our new president has an unbelievable approval rating. It is one of the times that people of all parties are willing to give the new person a chance to succeed.

But there's another reason I write about this. Just as we made an orderly change in our national life, there is a need to make changes in our lives as Christians. If we make no changes in our spiritual life, we will not just stay the same, we will actually lose our momentum.

We have celebrated the birth of Jesus and we have made resolutions or set new goals. We have renewed our vows and we have examined the first disciples who responded to the invitation "come and see."

Our new president called on all citizens to sacrifice and give of our time to help solve the nations problems. Your pastors call on you to examine your spiritual life. Are you involved in Bible study? We could add another table for Sunday School. We will continue to dedicate ourselves as your pastors to search God's Word and share it during the sermons. The church will continue to reach out to the community through our mission efforts. Our youth will continue to be active and we, as adults, will help them grow.

We will continue to look for persons who do not have the joy of having a church family to become a part of our church family. Perhaps you are having difficulty getting the nerve to invite someone to church. Sacrafice! Take a chance! It becomes easier the more we do it.

Let us recommit ourselves to praying for our church. Presently, both pastor have been trying to get over this "creeping crud" which is going around. We request your prayer for us to both feel better. We request your prayers for us as we work on the sermons and other things which are important for us to be the best leaders we could possibly be.

May you all be in good health and may you grow in your spiritual health.

Pastor Larry

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