Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Series Coming up

As we enter the month of February, the pastors will be preaching from the epistles to the Corinthians. The Corinthian church was a troublesome church. We have 2 letters but some scholars believe there may have been as many as 4 letters written. Paul's authority was challenged. Paul faced the problems between Jewish and Gentile Christians.

Next Sunday, Pastor Arlin will preach from 1 Cor. 8-13 and he is calling his sermon: "Sensitivity Training." Paul is in the midst of talking about food sacrificed to idols as well as people who believe they have special knowledge. These issues could divide the church. Paul is calling for a special sensitivity in dealing with people.

Do you suppose we need to learn how to be sensitive to the people around us? Duh!

Again, read the scripture several times during this week and pray for Pastor Arlin as he prepares for next week. When we do a series of sermons, they overlap, so it's important to be there as much as possible so you will not miss something.

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