Monday, January 12, 2009

What's coming up?

We had a good experience on Sunday as we renewed our vows of baptism and church membership and remembered our baptism. I hope the stone you have will remind you regularly of your vows. I hope you will also be reminded that you are God's child and God is well pleased with you.

Our series will continue on Sunday with a sermon: "Why Did Men Want To Be Jesus' Disciples." Read John 1:43-51. We will look at the call of Philip and his sharing it with Nathaniel. We'll even look at Evan Almighty in the call to build an ark. What are you called to do? How are you a disciple?

Let's go back to the leadership tips from Bob Farr that we had in the last blog. We did number 10 so let's go back to number 1: "Put some skin in the game." We need to be personally involved like a shepherd. read John 10:1-17

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