Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Prepare For Sunday

It is always helpful if you study the scriptures before you attend worship on Sunday. You will get much more out of the sermon if you are familiar with the text for the sermon. This Sunday the sermon is based on Matthew 22:1-14. This is a parable about the wedding feast. Why not read this scripture several times before Sunday and then invite a friend to join you at worship this week.

We are going to be looking at a series of sermons from the parables found in the book of Matthew. Here is a list:

October 19 - Matthew 22:1-14 - Wedding feast.
October 26 - Matthew 23:34-46 - The greatest Commandment.
November 2 - Matthew 23:1-12 - Warning about religious leaders
November 9 - Matthew 25:1-13 - parable of the 10 bridesmaids.
November 16 - Matthew 25:14-30 - Parable of loaned money
November 23 - Matthew 25:31-46 - The Final Judgment

This will get us to the Advent Season. We invite you to read these scriptures with your family each week as a form of family devotions.

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