Monday, October 6, 2008


Although I wasn't feeling up to par I had a great weekend. The fellowship evening Friday with three kinds of soup was a huge success. I understand we had over 60 and a large number of them were families with lots of children. Don't you love the noise! Soup was delicious and we raised over $100 for mission work.

Sunday morning we had a good crowd for World Communion Sunday. We find out that Ken and Geri also had voice problems like mine. Ken had the most trouble. He talks at a voice level that was most threatening to me, but we made it.

The Charge Conference at Arley was great. We had great representation from Paradise and I was so proud of our report. It was good to be with the other two churches. We learned from each other and had great fellowship. Many times the small churches feel like we don't matter but we learned on Sunday that we are very important. We had a great worship service including some good old country music.

It is not too late to start inviting persons you know who do not have a church home. Let's get a good crowd on Sunday and share the joy that God is giving to our church.

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