Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Resolutions

(I Don’t Make No) Resolutions
Apologies to Jagger and Richards
By Larry Linville

I don’t make no resolutions
Please don’t give no contributions
‘cause I try, and a try,
And I try to make them
But I only, yes I only,
I only seem to break them.

When I’m watching on TV
And Dr. Phil lectures me
Saying I must make these vows
To cause actions that arouse
He needs to let me be
No no no Hey hey hey

I guess you now can see
I can quit the parody
You can draw your own conclusions
‘cause I ain’t making resolutions
I won’t try, no I won’t try
So let me just say goodbye
Hey hey hey

Happy New Year!

It's true that I don't make resolutions, but I do set goals.
Over the holiday would be a good time to sit down and draw up a list of goals for 2009.
How about a list of goals that will help you grow spiritually?
Will you set a goal as to attendance?
What about Bible study?
What about participation in projects and activities?
How many people do you know who do not attend a church whom you can invite to attend at Paradise?
Have you reviewed you giving of time and money to the church?

Don't forget the fellowship time on Friday evening at 6:30.

Pastor Larry

1 comment:

TRoe said...

Larry - I can just see you walking around and singing your Resolution song!!!!!!! You make me laugh!