Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas Pageant - Dec. 14

One of the best ways to prepare oneself for Christmas is to attend a Christmas Pageant put on by the youngsters of a church. You will have that opportunity on December 14th during the 11 a.m. worship service.

If you'd like to get even more out of it, you can assist with the preparation for the pageant.
There will be practices at Nov. 30th immediately after the fellowship dinner
and on Dec. 7th after worship.
If a third one is needed, it will be on Dec. 10th between 6:15-7:30.

All parents who wish to have your children in the pageant should contact Amy Wallce: 8816.699.0668.

The pageant is titled "Double Take - A Christmas Pageant as Told by Matthew and Luke."

Begin telling family and friends that this is a highlight of the Advent season.

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