Saturday, November 8, 2008

How Can You Help?

There is always something to do in God's Kingdom and at Paradise UMC. Let's list a few:
1. Children's Church - be in a rotation to do the children's sermon - resources are available via the internet or books on most topics.

2. PowerPoint - be in a rotation to prepare the presention for Sunday worship.

3. Song Leader - stand in front of the congregation and lead the singing during worship.

4. Worship leader - take your place in a rotation to lead the worship service.

5. Sunday School Substitute - fill in on an "as needed" basis when regular teachers are not available or just to give them a break.

6. Website - keep the web site updated - changing the newsletter and other information. If you feel creative, you may change the layout, etc.!

Do you hear God calling? Contact Pastor Arlin or Pastor Larry.

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