Saturday, November 29, 2008

Get Ready For Advent

Special holidays always mess up our inner calendar and it may have felt like Thanksgiving was a Sunday. Do a "reset" and realize that tomorrow is Sunday. It is not only Sunday but it is the first Sunday in Advent. We talked about it a few days ago but we need to be reminded.

The Sermon will get us started preparing for Christmas with a look at the coming of Jesus.

Get your food prepared so that you will be able to get it together for the pot luck after worship. One of the best ways we seem to have to "celebrate" is with food. We'll eat and then we will work. We will be decorating the church and the children will be practicing for their pageant.

Oh, by the way, today would be a good day to call up that friend you invited (you did invite someone didn't you?) to remind them what time the services are.

Did you forget to take a "flyer" with you last Sunday? Grab several this week and put them into use.

Let's have an exciting Advent because an exciting, full Advent will lead to an exciting Christmas.

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