Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sheep And Goats

On Sunday we will bring this series on the parables of Jesus in Matthew by looking at Matthew 25:31-46. The sermon will be "The Least of These." Jesus separates the sheep and goats and told them they did -- or did not -- help him as they did or did not help others. We will not use this to talk about a great big last judgment, but rather about how to deepen our spiritual life by including the outreach to those in need.

Please read the scripture several times this week.
Read it as if you are one of the sheep.
Read it again as a goat.
Read it as one who was hungry, or thirsty, etc.

Be sure to invite someone to attend the service and enjoy our time together.


TRoe said...

Larry, sorry about no audio on the video this morning. Not sure what happened there - LOVED the sermon! Thank you.

TRoe said...

And I love the newest poem. Meant to tell you that too!