Monday, March 23, 2009

Busy Week Ahead!!!!

BBQ is coming a week from Friday night at 6:30. (April 4th) The men are in full swing in preparation. We are spreading the word and expect a large turnout.

Next Sunday will be another sermon in our series on Covenants from God.
Pastor Larry will lead us from Jeremiah 31:31-34 in a sermon: "God Promises A New Covenant With The People." The Hebrew word for "new" can mean "renewed" and that is probably what is the writer's intent. God kept making covenants and the people kept breaking them so God has another idea -- write in on their hearts.

Our series in moving toward it's fulfillments on Palm Sunday as Pastor Arlin introduces the New Covenant in the Palm Sunday lesson.

As always, it helps if you read the scripture several times. This is a rather short passage so it will be easy to read it each day.

Who do you know that does not attend worship? 80+% of them will say "yes" if you invite them to join you at worship. Any sales person would love to have that percentage.

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