Thursday, March 12, 2009

Devotional Poem

I Gave My Linen Cloth To Jesus
By Larry Linville

For a linen cloth I spent a great treasure
and each time I looked it gave me much pleasure.
I didn’t know how I would use it some day
but I knew it was more than just for display.

A crowd was assembling just outside of town
to celebrate a man who had great renown.
On a donkey he rode like a winning king
all the people lifted their voices to sing.

I thought this must be the occasion for me
to bring out that linen cloth in my great glee.
I threw it in front of that donkey he rode
where among the branches it’s great beauty glowed.

After he had passed I took it to my house
and thought I could make from it a special blouse.
A blouse that had been laid out on the highway
but the events took a bad turn by Friday.

I ran to the cross with my cloth near my heart
at the right time to see his spirit depart.
I knew that this cloth wouldn’t dwell in my room
so I gave it for him to wear in his tomb.

I gave that which was the most precious to me
to the one who suffered so I could be free.
If you give to Jesus what you cherish best
your life will always be eternally blessed.

© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.

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