Monday, March 30, 2009

Busy week, Again.

The BBQ is our next big event. We're expecting a good crowd for the 6:30 event on Friday night. Invite friends. The food is going to be out of this world and where can you find better fellowship. Pastor Arlin wants the men to set some time for a future meeting and the Praise Band wants to practice a special number for Easter.

On April 5th, we will celebrate Palm Sunday with palm branches and all. Pastor Arlin will preach on the topic: "Jesus, the New Covenant, Enters Jerusalem." The scripture is Mark 1:1-11. This is the perfect way to enter Holy Week.

There is a sign-up sheet for our Good Friday prayer vigil. It is good that we are such a praying church and you will want to be part of this important event. If you haven't signed up be sure and look for the list and Friday night or Sunday morning to get on the schedule.

It's not too early to invite your friends to the Palm Sunday and Easter services. We want to break our 109 record attendance and WE CAN DO IT!

Have a good week.

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