Tuesday, December 29, 2009
New Sermon Series
Friday, December 25, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Monday, December 14, 2009
Worship on December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas Program on December 13th
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Opportunities to Invite
Second Sunday in Advent
One of the things that helps us get spiritually ready for Christmas is to be in worship each Sunday. Why not do your friends a favor and bring them with you.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Advent begins on Sunday
Actually, Advent is the beginning of the liturgical church year. We will start the Advent season on November 29th. Pastor Larry will use Luke 21:25-36 in his sermon: "When Christ Returns." The text tells us to: "Be alert at all times, praying....." Advent is the season when we prepare ourselves to celebrate the greatest person who lived on the face of this earth.
You will want to be at as many of the Advent services as possible. If you will be out of town this Sunday, be sure to attend worship where you will be. If you're in town, we will look forward to having you at the service.
This is also an excellent time to invite someone to attend with you.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Worship for November 22, 2009
Following the services there will be a pot luck dinner and we will decorate the church for the Advent season. Every Sunday is a good Sunday to bring a guest but this will be an extra good Sunday for it.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sermon for November 15
This is a very timely subject in a day when so much of what the world sees from the church is negative. Believers need to be helping each other do those things to grow in the faith.
Invite your friends who do not attend church. God is planning a special service for us.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Turkey dinner
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Worship For October 25, 2009
"Job's Life Is Restored" is the title which goes with Job 42:1-6, 10-17. Pastor Larry will conclude the series with this sermon. A key verse says: "I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you." v. 5.
Job went to a deeper level in his understanding of God. What can we do to move to a deeper level of understanding?
Bring a friend with you. It could be that this sermon is exactly what he or she needs to hear. If you don't invite that person they might miss a high point in their week.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sermon for October 18
Job is facing total collapse in his family and possessions and yet he doesn't water down his beliefs. On Sunday, Pastor Arlin will preach: "Job Maintains His Integrity." He will base his sermon on Job 27:1-6.
Is there anything more important in our lives than to be persons of integrity? Pastor Arlin will help us look at integrity and guide us in looking to God to main our integrity.
Bring a friend with you -- you will both be blessed.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Looking at Job on October 11
Do you know how difficult it is to prove your innocence?
That's what Job was facing. He was experiencing illness and the loss of property and family and the best his friends could do was to try to get him to admit he was sinning. With friends like that......
We will look at Job 23:1-9, 16-17 this Sunday. Pastor Larry will preach on the subject, "Job Complains to God."
This will be a busy day because we will host charge conference with our guests being: Smithville, Arley and Holt. We will conduct the business of the church and will see a DVD of an outstanding sermon our Bishop preached at Annual Conference.
Come and join us.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Friday, October 2, we will gather for our fellowship night with a big soup supper. Bring your friends for a night a good food and lets sit around and have good fellowship. There could be some guitars and such there so we can have some singing.
Job was a righteous man who suffered. He received bad advice from his best friends. The Pastors will be examining this book and try to help us see how it touches our lives. The schedule is:
Oct. 4 - Pastor Arlin will preach:"Job the Righteous." Job 1:1-5.
Oct.11 - Pastor Larry will preach: "Job Complains to God." Job 23:1-9, 16-17
Oct. 18 - Pastor Arlin will preach: "Job Maintains His Integrity." Job 27:1-6
Oct 25 - Pastor Larry will preach: "Job's Life is Restored." Job 42:1-6,10-17
CHARGE CONFERENCE is Oct 11th at 5 pm. We are hosting the event with Smithville, Arley and Holt churches as our guests.
What a great month we have ahead of us.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Series concludes September 27th
What vision do you have as a person? As a Christian? What is the vision of Paradise UMC?
You will not want to miss the drawing together of these sermons so that we can move to our next series in October.
Bring a can or two of fruit as you attend this week.
And don't forget to bring a friend!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Worship at Paradise on September 20, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sermon about Wisdom on September 13th
Last Sunday Pastor Larry helped us look at the blessings of being generous. On Sunday Pastor Arlin will lead us with a sermon titled: "Being Wise." He will base it on Proverbs 1:1-7. What is real wisdom? Where do we find wisdom? What does the Bible mean when it says "wisdom"?
Be sure to read the passage and pray about it before you arrive at church.
Sunday is the National Back to Church Sunday. 82% of the persons you would invite to church will say "yes." Why not bring someone to church with you? They will be blessed and you will be blessed.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Mission Opportunities for September
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Starting a series from the book of Proverbs
Our series title is :"Wisdom from the Proverbs."
On September 6th Pastor Larry will preach a sermon: "The Generous Are Blessed." It is based on selected verses from the 22nd chapter.
We will also celebrate holy communion since it is the first Sunday of the month. We always welcome all who attend to participate communion with us. We will have a loaf of bread and will tear off a piece of the bread and dip it in the cup of juice. (This is called "intinction".)
With the summer over we are gearing up for the months ahead. We will have a great experiment with our Sunday School hour. We will kick that off on September 13th. Keep watching for more information.
It has been good to see visitors at worship as well as persons returning from their busy lives. We hope to see you there this week.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Worship for August 30, 20090
This Sunday we will conclude our series from Ephesians. Pastor Arlin will preach on the topic: "How to Walk in Faith". The scripture is: Ephesians 6:21-24. This should bring everything to a conclusion as we look to the next month.
In September we will have a series: "Wisdom from the Proverbs." Here are the topics for the month:
Sept. 6 - "The Generous Are Blessed." Prov. 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23. Pastor Larry Preaching.
Sept. 13 - "Being Wise." Proverbs 1:7, 2:6, 4:7, and 3:5-6. Pastor Arlin preaching.
Sept. 20 - "An Old Fashioned Woman." Proverbs 31:10-31. Pastor Larry Preaching.
Sept. 27 - "We Perish Without Vision." Proverbs 29:18. Pastor Arlin Preaching.
See you on Sunday.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Happy Things Happening at Paradise Sunday
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Ephesians series continues on August 16
We had new persons present last week and that is exciting news. Now is a good time to bring someone with you who does not attend church. With school getting started people are closing their summer schedule and are getting back into the fall routine.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Exciting Times in August.
Our mission project for the month is facial tissue. I wonder how many boxes we can collect?
Ice Cream Social - August 23 from 4-7. A free will offering for Meals on Wheels will be received. We will have special intertainment by Light Quest (the Praise band from North Star United Methodist Church.)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Services for august 9, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
New Preaching Series Beginning.
August 2 - Pastor Arlin - "How to Walk in Unity." Eph. 4:1-16.
August 9 - Pastor Larry - "How to Handle Anger." Eph. 4:24-5:2
August 16 - Pastor Arlin - "How to Walk in Wisdom." Eph 5:15-20.
August 23 - Pastor Larry - "How to Dress." Eph 6:10-20.
August 30 - Pastor Arlin - "How to Walk in the Faith." Eph 6:21-24.
There are several ways to receive the most benefit of these sermons:
1) try to attend every sermon.
2) read through the book and read the scripture each week.
3) pray for the pastor's preparation and your own ability to receive it well.
And -- don't forget we are having an ice cream social on the evening of August 23rd. Yum Yum.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
"Who Is Jesus?"
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Camping Anyone?
Please read the scripture several times and also pray for both of our pastors as they prepare their weekly sermons.
We will get to hear the children share some of the music they have learned this week. It should be an exciting day. It's a good day to bring visitors with you.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Worship for July 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Worship at Paradise on July 5, 2009
Where would he be unsuccessful?
In his home town.
Why did his home town reject him? What did he do about it? Do we reject him?
These are some of the questions Pastor Larry will examine on Sunday with the sermon: "When Jesus Couldn't Succeed." Read Mark 6:1-13.
Summer is a time when a lot of people go places and have vacations. This week we will have the celebration of our Nations' birthday on Saturday. Perhaps you will have people visiting at your house. Why not bring them with you? Who else do you know that want to come and thank God for our freedom?
See you there!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunday June 28, 2009
Like to sing and sing and sing? Don't miss this Sunday.
Do to popular demand we will have a sing-a-long this week.
This should be a good time to catch up on your music need.
Please bring a friend and your voice.
See you there!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Worship for June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Worship for June 14, 2009
We will have the baptism of a couple of Pastor Arlin's grandchildren. Won't that be exciting!!!!
We hope we can repeat the great attendance from last Sunday and have a good crowd again this week. Of the many choices you make this we, we hope attending worship is one of them. We hope that inviting a friend or neighbor will be another.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Preparing for VBS
We will be transforming our church into a different kind of “Paradise”~ a wilderness camp! In order to do this, we need to borrow some of your camping and nature supplies!
Don’t worry about signing up, just send in AS MANY AS YOU CAN!
Please label what you bring so it can be returned to you!
But we’ll have masking tape and markers, just in case!
Here’s what we’re looking for…
*Artificial Christmas trees- We need LOTS!
*Solid Bed Sheets- (any size)- We need LOTS! COLORS- white, lt. Blue, dark blue, black
Fake flowers or greenery
Logs, driftwood, stumps
Stuffed forest animals
Picnic benches
River rocks (soccer ball size)
Sleeping bags, ropes, camping chairs, mountain bikes, helmets, backpacks, skateboards, cooking gear, ski’s, ski poles, lanterns and flashlights, inflatable rafts, canteens, compasses, hiking boots, archery tools, kayaks and paddles, oars, life vests, fishing vests, poles, tackle boxes, beach towels
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Worship for June 7, 2009
Farm work is progressing.
We've received a wonderful confirmation class into membership.
Gardens are in.
Summer is on the way.
Pastor Arlin will help us move into this new time in our life with his sermon: "New Birth." He is using the text John 3:1-17. We will also celebrate holy Communion.
Our Annual Conference (the gathering of representatives from each United Methodist Church in the state) begins on Friday morning and will conclude on Monday.
Summer is a special time in the church. Because of vacations and other summer activities we have persons who will not be able to attend worship. That makes it more important for those of us to be present to give a good group feeling. It's a good time to invite others and tell them to "come as they are." They might not realize we pretty much do that anyway.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Pentecost Sunday
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
This Sunday we will look at the Ascension story from Acts 1. This disciples had to prepare themselves for Pentecost (which we will celebrate next week). Jesus is gone and they need to look forward.
Pastor Larry will be talking about the implications this has on us when we gather for worship at 11 am. He will help us see how God provides the mission and the power and how we need to properly focus. This is not a sermon about what happened years ago, but what is happening today and tomorrow. Please read Acts 1:1-11 and be in prayer that this service will be helpful to you. Oh yes, bring a friend. It may be just what they are needing in their life as well.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Worship at Paradise on May 17
You will want to attend this last sermon in the series and will want to bring a friend with you. It will be great to share the warm fellowship of the church with one another and with new persons as well.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mother's Day at Paradise
May 10th is Mother's Day and Paradise UMC is ready. Pastor Arlin continues our series on Christian Maintenance with the sermon: "Maintaining the Spirit of Love." 1 John 4:7-21. He will be tying this topic with a mother's love and will look at Jesus' mother as an example. If your mother is living, why not bring her to church with you? If she lives away from here, she would be proud of you for being in church. If you mother, like mine, is deceased; honor her by being in worship to thank God for her.
The Taco fellowship last Friday was super, wasn't it? We have such good fellowship and we seem to always have visitors. This an important ministry of the church.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Uno de mayo
How about having a good evening with good amigos, tacos and fellowship.
There may even be some very special music.
We begin at 6:30. Come earlier and visit. Stay late and visit.
The youth are responsible for the meal and you can make a donation which will be used in their ministries.
Bring friends.
Monday, April 27, 2009
This Week In Paradise
Friday, May 1, at 6:30 pm the youth are sponsoring our Friday Fellowship. It will be Mexican food -- ole! There is a possibility we may have some very special musical guests so you won't want to miss. Remember, we gather for fellowship and to eat good food and you are welcome to make a donation to the youth ministry projects.
Next Sunday is the third in our series of "Christian Maintenance". Pastor Larry will preach on the subject, "Maintaining Love." Read 1 John 3:16-24. Bring a friend. We've been having visitors nearly every week, so keep up the good work.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Christian Maintenance
We had visitors yesterday and we look forward to having more visitors. Who do you know that needs a church home? Now is a good time to invite them.
The men's group will have a workday at the church this coming Saturday. Come as soon as you can and stay as long as you can.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Suprising British singer
This very "common" looking person appeared on stage and responded to questions with her stammering voice. You just knew it was going to be dreadful. Then when her voice started, everyone was shocked. The judges were stunned. The crowd changed from laughter to a standing ovation.
I have watched this many times and I get tearful every time.
This is what God does to our lives. God takes us as very common, bumbling persons and turns us into divas. Thanks be to God.
Pastor Larry
Monday, April 13, 2009
New Series -- "Christian Maintenance."
We come through the Easter experience with our spirits high and it is important for us to stay at that high moment. How can we maintain that closeness. Our pastors will attempt to guide is in how we can maintain that closeness with God.
This sunday Pastor Arlin will preach on the topic: "Maintaining Fellowship With God." His scripture is 1 John 1:1-10. This is the foundation sermon. It is important to be present as he sets the stage for all five sermons. The sermons which follow are:
April 26 - "Maintaining Righteousness." 1 John 3:1-7, Pastor Larry
May 3 - "Maintaining Love." 1 John 3:16-24, Pastor Larry
May 10 - "Maintaining the Spirit of Love." 1 John 4:7-21, Pastor Arlin
May 17 - "Maintaining Assurance." 1 John 5:1-6, Pastor Arlin.
We missed our goal of breaking the record attendance of 109 but the good news is we had 97. We WILL break that record. Let us keep inviting others to attend with us.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Special Schedule
Monday, April 6, 2009
Please be a part of the events of this important week.
This special service comes from a latin word meaning "shadows". The service comes from the middle ages when they didn't have PowerPoint or even slides. It uses candles and scripture to help us experience Jesus' last hours on this earth. The service will begin at 7 pm so be sure to be aware of this difference in time. Since we end on the sad note that Jesus died, there will be no benediction and you will be asked to leave the church without speaking to anyone; we will have a little time a greeting as the service begins.
Our service times will be different.
We will have worship at 9 am.
The service will be followed by a breakfast and then we will have an Easter Egg hunt for the children.
Our all time attendance record is 109 and we are determined to break that record so invite everyone you know who do not attend church. If everyone who was there on Palm Sunday would bring one person with them, we will easily break that record.
It will be good to share it with you.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Getting Ready for Holy Week
Sunday is Palm Sunday. What a way to prepare yourselves to enter Holy Week! We will remember the children waving the palm branches. We said at the beginning of the week that Pastor Arlin will preach on the subject: "Jesus, the New Covenant, Enters Jerusalem." We will celebrate Holy Communion and look at how God's covenant, Jesus, moved into the last week of his life on earth.
Thanks to everyone who made last night successful and who invited persons to join us. Thanks to those of you who have been inviting persons to join us for Palm Sunday and Easter. These are exciting days at Paradise.
Friday, April 3, 2009
BARBQ at 6:30
Several kinds of good meats.
Good fellowship.
Anyone who reads this is welcome to join us
Paradise United Methodist Church.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Lenten Devotional reading
By Larry Linville
I sat upon his knee when I was small.
He was so kind even though he was tall.
“You must be like a child” he said so loud
and it made an impression on the crowd.
I followed him because he was so kind
and watched him when he healed the sick and blind.
I ran beside him with palm branch in hand
and felt important in the joyful band.
It’s hard for a small boy to understand
how the people could make such a demand
to ask old Pilate to crucify him
and undertake action that was so grim.
I held the hand of his mother so dear
as I looked at her as she shed a tear
when he told John to love her as a son
and their new relationship was begun.
When I was older I told my small boy
how the haters thought that they could destroy
his wondrous love by all their rejection
but he answered with the resurrection.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Busy week, Again.
On April 5th, we will celebrate Palm Sunday with palm branches and all. Pastor Arlin will preach on the topic: "Jesus, the New Covenant, Enters Jerusalem." The scripture is Mark 1:1-11. This is the perfect way to enter Holy Week.
There is a sign-up sheet for our Good Friday prayer vigil. It is good that we are such a praying church and you will want to be part of this important event. If you haven't signed up be sure and look for the list and Friday night or Sunday morning to get on the schedule.
It's not too early to invite your friends to the Palm Sunday and Easter services. We want to break our 109 record attendance and WE CAN DO IT!
Have a good week.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Lenten Devotional reading
By Larry Linville
My life was in shambles
falling apart.
In desperation
I climbed a tall hill
and sat under a big tree
far away from the cruel world
awaiting the enlightenment
of the rays from the rising sun.
As I tried once more
to pray to God
another man joined me
in that remote place.
With much on his mind
he listened to me
and placed his own problems aside.
Soon my heavy load
left me floating in ecstasy.
A few days later
with Passover near
I saw him alone again.
In gratitude I offered him a gift
and he graciously accepted.
He told his followers
how to meet me
and I led them to a special room
where I catered his Last Supper.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work
Monday, March 23, 2009
Busy Week Ahead!!!!
Next Sunday will be another sermon in our series on Covenants from God.
Pastor Larry will lead us from Jeremiah 31:31-34 in a sermon: "God Promises A New Covenant With The People." The Hebrew word for "new" can mean "renewed" and that is probably what is the writer's intent. God kept making covenants and the people kept breaking them so God has another idea -- write in on their hearts.
Our series in moving toward it's fulfillments on Palm Sunday as Pastor Arlin introduces the New Covenant in the Palm Sunday lesson.
As always, it helps if you read the scripture several times. This is a rather short passage so it will be easy to read it each day.
Who do you know that does not attend worship? 80+% of them will say "yes" if you invite them to join you at worship. Any sales person would love to have that percentage.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Apportionments report
In today's mail was the statement for the first 2 months of the year. Our church has paid 50% at the point. This is such a great practice and a way we can avoid placing ourselves in a stressful situation. This is possible because of your gifts to the church as an expression of your love to God.
Thanks for your generousity!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Lenten Devotional reading
By Larry Linville
A Roman soldier came into my shop
and told me that I must come to a stop.
He had a big special order for me.
Make the roughest nails and he wanted three.
He said to be sure they were very rough
for this guy who hadn’t suffered enough.
I must admit that I’m good at my craft
and I could help give this fellow the shaft.
Later in the day I went out to see
the guy who would suffer because of me.
I watched as they drove my nails in his skin
and some of his blood gushed out on my chin.
Just at that moment his eyes looked at me
and his forgiveness was all I could see
I stood with people and watched him die
and constantly wiped a tear from my eye.
“forgive them they don’t know what they have done”
was his prayer I heard and wanted to run.
My legs wouldn’t move so I looked above
and his eyes seemed to tell me of his love.
Both hurting and healing at the same time
I grieved that I was part of the crime.
By my good work he was nailed to a tree
but his death gave true life to you and me.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Worship for March 22, 2009
This week Pastor Arlin will help us look at the influence on the children of Israel. His sermon will be based on Exodus 24:1-8 with the title, "The People Affirm God's Covenant with Them."
Spring is coming our way, the weather is feeling better and the spirit of the people is bubbling over. It's a great time to be at worship. Please join us on Sunday and bring someone with you.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Lenten Devotional reading
By Larry Linville
The great Passover time was drawing near.
A very profitable time of year.
My chance of making much money was great
so I sold everything to improve my fate.
Hundreds of pigeons at my temple stall
made it look like I was at a big mall.
The early crowd came with money in hand.
My profits were growing just like I planned
when this guy burst in and started to yell
upsetting my table and raising hell.
He shouted words about a den of thieves
and freed my pigeons and rolled up his sleeves.
My pigeons all flew to freedom out side.
My anger boiled up and made me decide
I would follow him as he was leavin’
and find a time when I could get even.
I followed after him throughout the week
listening to every word he did speak.
He said that anger can ruin one’s life
and he said that love could help in our stife.
But I joined those with their fists in the air
shouting “Crucify him! Kill him I swear.”
Up to Golgotha I followed this guy
and he looked right at me and said, “Don’t cry!”
Just then I looked up and there in the sky
where my pigeons had just started to fly.
Somehow I felt he sent them all my way
for some message he had wanted to say.
A second chance he was giving to me
so just like my pigeons I could be free.
Down from Golgotha I led all the birds
following as I said special words.
Out in the open I watched them go freeand
a new freedom was given to me.
I took all the things I heard that man say
and lived my life a different way.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Devotional Poem
By Larry Linville
For a linen cloth I spent a great treasure
and each time I looked it gave me much pleasure.
I didn’t know how I would use it some day
but I knew it was more than just for display.
A crowd was assembling just outside of town
to celebrate a man who had great renown.
On a donkey he rode like a winning king
all the people lifted their voices to sing.
I thought this must be the occasion for me
to bring out that linen cloth in my great glee.
I threw it in front of that donkey he rode
where among the branches it’s great beauty glowed.
After he had passed I took it to my house
and thought I could make from it a special blouse.
A blouse that had been laid out on the highway
but the events took a bad turn by Friday.
I ran to the cross with my cloth near my heart
at the right time to see his spirit depart.
I knew that this cloth wouldn’t dwell in my room
so I gave it for him to wear in his tomb.
I gave that which was the most precious to me
to the one who suffered so I could be free.
If you give to Jesus what you cherish best
your life will always be eternally blessed.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Devotional Poem
By Larry Linville
(based on the Legend of the “Little Gray Donkey.”)
A story is told many years ago.
It is a legend I think you should know.
A little gray donkey gave Mary a ride
as Joseph walked bravely right by her side
Bethlehem was where they both had to go
And the donkey had to struggle so slow.
He traveled with very much donkey pride
for the treasure Mary carried inside.
That donkey’s descendant wasn’t so calm
as he bore Christ on the day of the palm.
He saw people cheer and he saw them shout
as he followed the Jerusalem route.
Later in the week he was standing near
on Calvary’s hill and he heard them jeer.
His heart was sad and it ached to the core
knowing he had not fulfilled his chore
The cross wasn’t something for Christ to bear.
He reasoned “I should have carried it there.”
He grieved as he turned his back to the sight
and bowed his head as he felt so contrite.
In honor of his loyalty and love
Christ looked on him from his perch up above.
He caused a shadow to fall on his back
to leave an image of the darkest black
If you look at a gray donkey today
you’ll notice this honor is there to stay
as a mark to remind us of the great love
which that donkey received from God above.
© Copyright 2007 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Getting Ready for Lent 3
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Lenten Devotional reading
By Larry Linville
When Jesus rode that donkey into town
I found a big stone and then I sat down.
Leaders told Jesus to make them be still
an act he wasn’t about to fulfill.
As he looked and saw so many folks shout
He said, “If they stop, the stones will cry out.”
On that Friday on Golgotha I stood
and wondered aloud “how can this be good?”
When he took his last breath all noise quit
I went to a rock -- I just had to sit
and I thought I heard -- but sometimes I must doubt --
that there were some stones that just had to shout.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Lenten Devotional reading
By Larry Linville
Moses led God’s children
toward a great promised land.
When they finally got there
they found it was so grand.
The forty years they traveled
required great dedication
before they reached the blessing
they went through great frustration.
Lent is a forty day quest
with much sacrifice and search.
Instead of living in a desert
we spend much time at church.
They followed Moses each day
through all the thick and thin.
We follow just as they did
with a promised land to win.
The manna and the quail
sustained them on their quest
just as God provides for us
as we daily face each test.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Friday, March 6, 2009
By Larry Linville
Scripture: Numbers 13:25
Moses sent twelve young men into the promised land.
It took forty days for this shaky little band.
Ten of them came back with a real negative view.
The others felt that their God could help them get through.
When we enter our lent quest toward a promised land
our success is set up by our positive stand.
We can side with the ten and fall on our face
or follow the two and improve the human race.
Lent is a time to consider all of our odds
and where we have been following other gods
as we turn our thoughts to what God can do with us
as He turns our negative lives to a big plus.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
A Lenten Devotion
By Larry Linville
1 Samuel 17:16
That giant strutted out each day
his sadistic way to play.
Morning and evening he appeared.
Each time all the people feared.
Forty days Goliath taunted
the Israelites were feeling haunted.
His egotism matched his size
unaware of his big surprise.
It only took one little stone
by a shepherd standing all alone
to bring that giant down to size
and walk away with the prize.
The forty days of Lent my friend
helps us, like David, to ascend
against the strutting giants we face
and win the battle with God’s grace.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Corned Beef and Cabbage
6;30 pm is the time for the best meal in Clay County.
Corned Beef and Cabbage to celebrate this month of the Irish.
You are invited to make a donation for our Ukelele ministry.
Besides all that, you have a chance to have good fellowship and there may be some good much as a group sits around with guitars, banjos, ukes, madolins, violins, etc.
C U there.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Worship for March 8, 2009
This week Pastor Arlin will lead us to look at the covenant with Abram. You may read about this at Genesis 17:1-16. Because of their advanced age, Abram and Sarai show us that God's grace does for us what it is humanly impossible for us to do.
Please read the scripture several times this week and bring a friend with you for the services on Sunday.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Devotional Poem
By Larry Linville
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:16
Fasting in reverse was Elijah’s flair.
He ate and then went to Mount Horeb where
he waiting forty long days there on high
and was filled with blessings as God passed by.
He ate before hunger covered his bed.
At that time he was spiritually fed.
His hunger was turned away from all food
and he was in a God-searching mood.
God comes to us in a mighty way
when physical hungers are put away
and we place ourselves in the path of God
where patiently wait to be deeply awed.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
First Sunday in Lent
The Flood and Lent
Larry Linville
Scripture: Gen. 7:12
God saw the world was full of sin
and wanted to start over again.
Noah received a special mission
to build a boat that wasn’t for fishin’.
He loaded up animals two by two
and set off in his big floating zoo.
Forty days and forty nights it rained
but Noah’s family was sustained.
The church is symbolized by a boat
which the Holy Spirit keeps afloat.
We can get closer to God at Lent
when more time with the church is spent.
Our forty day Lenten journey can lead
to overcoming things that impede
in our efforts to start over anew
and do the things we know we should do.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Lenten Devotional reading
Pastor Larry
Giving Up or Adding To?
Larry Linville
What are you giving up for Lent
they ask with great expectation.
Such a negative question
leaves me with a great frustration.
They give up candy and other sweets
and even things they hate to eat.
The more they hate these dreadful foods
the more they are sure not to cheat.
What’s to gain by this silly approach
that helps us to grow during Lent
running around telling everyone
about giving up things we lament?
Wouldn’t it help to grow in our faith
if we added good things to our life
like doing those kind acts to others
which seems to bring end to much strife?
An act of kindness to others around
should help our devotion to grow
with our hearts doing useful things
which allow God great love to flow.
Don’t ask me what I’m giving up
but ask what extra I’m doing
and pray as I tackle my list
of kind acts I am pursuing.
© Copyright 2008 Larry Linville (UN: larrylinville at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Larry Linville has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
First Sunday in Lent
We will have a series during Lent about "Covenants." We will look at the covenants from Noah to Abram to Moses, to Jeremiah and the place Jesus is as the New Covenant. A covenant in the bible is an agreement between God and humans.
On Sunday, we will begin with the sermon: "God's Covenant with Noah." The rainbow to the left was a sign to remind God of the promise not to flood the earth again. You may read about this story from Genesis 9:8-17. Pastor Larry will lead us to see how God's grace was at work and how it can help us during this time of Lent.
We had a wonderful Ash Wednesday service and Pastor Arlin gave us some guidance on what to do during Lent to prepare yourself for the good news of Easter. He encouraged us to: Prayer, Bible Study, devotional reading, fasting, etc. One of the things on the list is worship. You will want to attend worship each Sunday of Lent and allow this series on covenants to help you grow spiritually.
Since it is the first Sunday of the month, we will be celebrating Holy Communion. This service helps us to remember the "new covenant".
Please be in prayer for our services and bring friends with you.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Thoughts from Pastor Larry
I sat there in awe to be in the presence of a man of God who put his life on the line back in those early days of the civil rights movement. He shared his experiences with the audience in such a positive way. His sense of humor prevailed. He said that on the day of his benediction in Washington D.C. it was a shame that there were 1 to 2 million people there and nobody took an offering!
I am so thankful I was able to listen to this man for nearly 45 minutes (which seemed like 15). I could have skipped going. I had all kinds of reasons to do something else. By going, I was filled with such great inspiration. This is such a lesson to me: when we have a chance to be with God and our sisters and brother in a worship service -- we need to be there. We never know when there will be a special outpouring of God's spirit.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Worship on February 22, 2009
Following this sermon we will be prepared to enter the season of Lent. We will start that on Wednesday, February 25th with our Ash Wednesday services. This will be a special service as we look at our lives and begin the 40 day journey toward Easter.
We will have a Lenten series on "Covenant." We will look at the meaning of "covenant". We'll look at covenants through the Old Testament and will conclude with the place of Jesus in move the covenant another notch.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A reminder that "changes are being made"!
Monday, February 9, 2009
A New Week
Feb. 15th we will concentrate on 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Sermon title is: "Disciples in Training." Paul uses sports images to talk about how we must discipline ourselves like athletes if we are to be the kind of followers Jesus can use. We hope to have a video clip from the movie: "Facing The Giants." This clip shows how a football player has to take control of his body. We need the same effort to strengthen our spirit.
Even though the Super Bowl is over and the Pro Bowl is over, we will have one more week of football at Paradise. Look around and see who you can invite to join us.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Soups On!
This month it is soup. Yum, yum.
This is a meal you don't have to fix -- just show up.
You will have the opportunity to make a small donation which will go to the mission work of the church.
Then, there will be a lot of good fellowship. Sometimes people even bring musical instruments and jam.
This is an excellent time to bring a friend. Once a person is inside a church, it's easier to return.
Weather will be near perfect. Let's take advantage of it. You know the weather will get bad again soon, so come out and enjoy it now.
If you have checked in on this blog and would like to come join us --- we'd love to have you with us.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Pod Casts from Paradise
Go to our website: www.cometoparadise.org
on the right hand site you will see the words "pod cast".
How fortunate we are to have this available for us.
It gives you a chance to review a sermon.
Maybe you'll hear something you missed.
You may also refer it to a friend who does not go to church.
They can listen to a sermon without being trapped in a church.
They might say, "Those old boys have something to say!"
Thanks to our media people who have made this possible for us.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Getting Ready for Feb. 8th
We will have a time of fellowship on Friday night, Feb. 6, at 6:30 with soup. Bring a friend and gather to have good soup and good fellowship. Who knows, there may even be some musical instruments show up!
In our day with all the problems surrounding us, we need the support of the church, the growth we receive by being active in the church and the opportunity to share this with others.
Our Corinthian series will continue through the end of the month:
Feb. 15 - 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 - "Disciples in Training". Pastor Larry
Feb. 22 - 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 - "The Light of the Gospel."
Sunday, January 25, 2009
New Series Coming up
Next Sunday, Pastor Arlin will preach from 1 Cor. 8-13 and he is calling his sermon: "Sensitivity Training." Paul is in the midst of talking about food sacrificed to idols as well as people who believe they have special knowledge. These issues could divide the church. Paul is calling for a special sensitivity in dealing with people.
Do you suppose we need to learn how to be sensitive to the people around us? Duh!
Again, read the scripture several times during this week and pray for Pastor Arlin as he prepares for next week. When we do a series of sermons, they overlap, so it's important to be there as much as possible so you will not miss something.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
There were so many historic things. We have our first black (mixed race) president. It was the largest crowd for such an event. Our new president has an unbelievable approval rating. It is one of the times that people of all parties are willing to give the new person a chance to succeed.
But there's another reason I write about this. Just as we made an orderly change in our national life, there is a need to make changes in our lives as Christians. If we make no changes in our spiritual life, we will not just stay the same, we will actually lose our momentum.
We have celebrated the birth of Jesus and we have made resolutions or set new goals. We have renewed our vows and we have examined the first disciples who responded to the invitation "come and see."
Our new president called on all citizens to sacrifice and give of our time to help solve the nations problems. Your pastors call on you to examine your spiritual life. Are you involved in Bible study? We could add another table for Sunday School. We will continue to dedicate ourselves as your pastors to search God's Word and share it during the sermons. The church will continue to reach out to the community through our mission efforts. Our youth will continue to be active and we, as adults, will help them grow.
We will continue to look for persons who do not have the joy of having a church family to become a part of our church family. Perhaps you are having difficulty getting the nerve to invite someone to church. Sacrafice! Take a chance! It becomes easier the more we do it.
Let us recommit ourselves to praying for our church. Presently, both pastor have been trying to get over this "creeping crud" which is going around. We request your prayer for us to both feel better. We request your prayers for us as we work on the sermons and other things which are important for us to be the best leaders we could possibly be.
May you all be in good health and may you grow in your spiritual health.
Pastor Larry
Monday, January 19, 2009
Why Did Others Begin Following Jesus?
In February we will start a series from the Corinthian letters. Want to know what they will be?
Feb. 1 - Pastor Arlin - 1 Cor. 8:1-13 "Sensitivity Training."
Feb. 8 - Pastor Larry - 1 Cor. 9:16-23 "All Things to All People."
Feb. 15 - Pastor Larry - 1 Cor. 9:24-27 "Disciples in Training."
Feb. 22 - Pastor Arlin - 2 Cor. 4:3-6 "The Light of the Gospel.
Lent will feature a series on "Covenant".
After Easter we will have a series from 1 John on "Christian Maintenance."
Your pastors are planning ahead with the hopes we will be able to give you spiritual food. Please join us each week by prayer, reading the scripture and inviting others to join us.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
New Membership Vows
Now the phrase "witness." "With your prayers, prayers, gifts, witness and service."
Isn't this an important addition?
One would assume witness was a part of service, but not specifically. The church grows as we witness to our faith.
Since we renewed our vows last Sunday, perhaps we should all pause and say, "P.S. God, I also promise my witness!"
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Leadership tips
"If you're going to lead you're going to bleed."
He shares that real leadership means we will take heat. We won't make people happy with every decision they make.
He reminds us that making no decision is a decision.
The scripture he gives us to stury this is: Luke 9:21-27
Monday, January 12, 2009
Great Opportunity Coming Up
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Morning keynote speaker: Dr. Shannon Jung, professor, Town and Country Ministries, Saint Paul School of Theology. Her topic: "Small Churches Reaching the Poor: The Gift that Gives."
There will be 5 workshops and we need to have someone in each of the workshops.
1. Your Church and Your Public Schools led by Rev. Susan Cox-Johnson
2. Assessing the Needs of Your Community -- leader to ber announced.
3. Revitalizating Worship in the Small Church -- leader to be announced.
4. Praying Outward: Building Spiritual Passio for the Unchurched/Unseen of your Community.
led by Rev. Ginger Pudenz
5. Even More Ministry Ideas for Your Church and the Poor of Your Community led by Dr. Jung.
Let's pray about this and see how many people we can take with us.
What's coming up?
Our series will continue on Sunday with a sermon: "Why Did Men Want To Be Jesus' Disciples." Read John 1:43-51. We will look at the call of Philip and his sharing it with Nathaniel. We'll even look at Evan Almighty in the call to build an ark. What are you called to do? How are you a disciple?
Let's go back to the leadership tips from Bob Farr that we had in the last blog. We did number 10 so let's go back to number 1: "Put some skin in the game." We need to be personally involved like a shepherd. read John 10:1-17
Saturday, January 10, 2009
"The Horse Is Dead - dismount." Bob tells us:
"the way of doing church today is changing in leaps and bounds. The church has moved so far away from the church that any notion of doing ministry in the way were were taught will only lead to more frustration and a further decline in relevance and participation."
He adds: "The Gospel is timeless, but its presentation has always changed to meet the culture where it was at, not to leave it there but rather to change it into authentic followers of Jesus Christ."
At Paradise, we will continue to look for creative ways to present the grace of God to the community in ways it can be understood. That will make our faith more meaningful in our lives and something we are compelled to share.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Ready For Sunday?
The activities for Jan. 11th are included on Monday so there wasn't much more to add. All we can do is ask if you are prepared to be in Sunday School and Worship on Sunday? The sermon is nearly ready. Hopefully, you've read the scriptures and invited someone to come with you. The weather is supposed to be bad on Saturday but turn nice for Sunday.
I guess there is a lesson here. I thought I had entered several entries but I had not. Sometimes we think we have done the things for God that we need to do but we really haven't. We need to constantly check on our progress.
On Sunday we'll have the opportunity to review the vows we took when we joined the church and check on our progress. Seems like it will be worthwhile. See you Sunday.
Pastor Larry
Monday, January 5, 2009
Renewing Our Covenant with God
The first Sunday after Epiphany is called "Baptism of the Lord." Each year the gospel lesson is about Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist.
One common practice is to use this Sunday for a "Remembering Your Baptism" service. In our hymnal there are 3 services for baptism plus the 4th which is for this service. During this service we go through all the prayers and questions of the baptism but we don't "put water on anyone." You will have an opportunity to watch to the front of the church an look into a container of water and remember your baptism.
Now, some of you may not have been baptized. That's OK. In such a case you will be invited to "anticipate" the day you will be baptized. This would be appropriate for children who have not been baptized as well as adults who have not yet made that decision.
Those who have been baptized, even if it was in another denomination, you can renew the vows you made when you were baptized.
The sermon will be the second in the series Pastor Arlin and Pastor Larry are preaching. Pastor Arlin started it by looking at "Why wise persons choose to follow Jesus." This week Pastor Larry will look at "Why Did Jesus Want To Be Baptized?" Scripture is Mark 1:4-11. Remember you are better prepared to hear the sermon if you have read this scripture several times during the week.
You might want to read the scripture first through the eyes of John the Baptist.
Then you may want to read it through the eyes of Jesus.
Then you may read it as one of the onlookers.
Bring a friend and let's have a great time of worship.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Benefits from tag team pastors
As we moved into Advent I found myself being at Paradise 4 weeks in a row, even though I only preached 2 of them. Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy being at Paradise. It did give a feel of the days when I served a church alone.
Today I attended North Star for the second week in a row. I was able to walk in and greet people and then take a seat and have a pastor feed my spirit. After the service we went out to eat and I was actually in front of my TV before noon. I remember thinking, "They are just about ready to take communion at Paradise!"
Then I realized one of the dangers of a pastor is that we spend so much time tending to the spiritual needs of the church members that it is easy to neglect one's own spiritual life. I had times in my past where my spiritual level was low enough that it even made it difficult to prepare good sermons.
So, I give thanks that we have this special arrangement at Paradise. I believe it blesses your pastors by allow us to re-charge our spiritual batteries. It also benefits the church members because your pastors are better prepared to give strong spiritual direction to the church.
I wasn't sure how this experiment was going to work. Now, each month I am more impressed by what we are experiencing.
Pastor Larry
Friday, January 2, 2009
January 4, 2009 Worship
That is the sermon Pastor Arlin will preach this Sunday.
It is the first of a series of sermons our pastors will preach in January.
Why do you think the wise choose Jesus?
Do you know wise persons who haven't chosen Jesus? Perhaps they are waiting to be invited to hear this sermon. Bring them with you on Sunday.
Remember Sunday School starts at 10 am and Worship follows at 11.
This is also the first Sunday of the month so we will have communion.
Our Communion is open to EVERYONE.
Happy New Year.